Digital Creations in Civil Law: A Comprehensive Exploration of AI-Generated Content’s Legal Ramifications



Artificial Intelligence, Civil Law, Copyright, Moral Rights, Patent Law, Trade Secrets, Legal Framework


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in creative processes has given rise to complex legal challenges, particularly in Civil Law jurisdictions. This scholarly examination elucidates the multifaceted issues surrounding copyright, liability, moral rights, patentability, and legal evolution in the face of AI’s burgeoning role in content creation.

Author Biography

Islombek Abdikhakimov, Tashkent State University of Law



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How to Cite

Abdikhakimov, I. (2023). Digital Creations in Civil Law: A Comprehensive Exploration of AI-Generated Content’s Legal Ramifications. International Conference on Legal Sciences, 1(6), 36–43. Retrieved from