Comparative analysis of international legal instruments to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence


  • Laylo Sharofidinova


International, Legal, Legal instruments, Violence against woman


The problem of violence against women and domestic violence is a serious global problem that requires attention and action at the international level. The international community has developed several international legal instruments to prevent and combat this type of violence. In this thesis, a comparative analysis of such tools will be carried out with an emphasis on their principles, goals, scope, and effectiveness. Links to academic research, reports and official documents will be provided to provide the reader with reliable information.

Author Biography

Laylo Sharofidinova

Graduate student of Tashkent State University of Law


Home - Istanbul Convention Action against violence against women and domestic violence (

Декларация об искоренении насилия в отношении женщин — Декларации — Декларации, конвенции, соглашения и другие правовые материалы (

Millenium Development Goals Indicators - Millenium Development Goals Indicators - UN Statistics Wiki

АНАЛИЗ СТАМБУЛЬСКОЙ КОНВЕНЦИИ В АСПЕКТЕ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ СЕКСУАЛЬНОГО НАСИЛИЯ – тема научной статьи по праву читайте бесплатно текст научно-исследовательской работы в электронной библиотеке КиберЛенинка (

Конвенция о ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин — Конвенции и соглашения — Декларации, конвенции, соглашения и другие правовые материалы (

Framework Convention: a key instrument for managing diversity by ensuring minority rights Thematic comment No. 4 Scope of application of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Adopted on May 27, 2016

Серия договоров Совета Европы - N 210, Конвенция Совета Европы о предотвращении и борьбе с насилием в отношении женщин и домашним насилием, Стамбул, 11.V.2011




How to Cite

Sharofidinova, L. (2023). Comparative analysis of international legal instruments to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence. International Conference on Legal Sciences, 1(4), 19–25. Retrieved from