
  • Xolisxon Umarova


xorijiy investitsiya, isbotlash yuki, isbotlash standardlari., foreign investment, burden of proof, standards of proof


Bir martalik savdo shartnomalaridan farqli ravishda, xorijiy investitsiya shartnomalari aksariyat hollarda investor va mezbon davlat o‘rtasidagi uzoqroq muddatdagi munosabatlarni tartibga solishga qaratilgan bo‘lishi bilan ajralib turadi. Bunday shartnomalarni tuzishda esa unda javobgarlik masalalarini oldindan belgilash, nizo kelib chiqqan taqdirda uni qanday vositalar va usullar bilan hal qilish mumkinligini kelishib olish har qachongidan ham muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Nega deganda, mahalliy darajada tuzilgan shartnomalarda nizolarni sudda hal etish bo‘yicha sudlovlilik va taalluqlilik masalalari bo‘yicha milliy qonunchilikka tayansak, xorijiy element aks etgan shartnomalar bo‘yicha shartnomada kelishilgan sudlovlik qoidalari, xalqaro huquqning umume’tirof etilgan prinsiplari bilan ham kelishimizga to‘g‘ri keladi. Quyidagi maqola orqali xalqaro ommaviy huquqda sudlar tomonidan investorlar va davlatlar o‘rtasida qo‘llaniladigan isbotlash tamoyillari, isbotlash yuki va standardlari bir necha amaliy misollar bilan tahlil qilinadi. 

Unlike one-time trade agreements, foreign investment agreements are distinguished by the fact that in most cases they are aimed at regulating long-term relations between the investor and the host country. When concluding such agreements, it is more important than ever to determine the issues of liability in advance, and to agree on the means and methods to resolve a dispute if it arises. Because when we rely on the national legislation on the issues of jurisdiction and applicability for resolving disputes in court in contracts concluded at the local level, in the contracts with international elements we shoul deal with international standards, jurisdiction and generally recognized principles. Through the following article, the principles of proof used by courts between investors and states in public international law, as well as burden and standards of proof are analysed with several practical examples.

Author Biography

Xolisxon Umarova

Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti
Xususiy huquq fakulteti 3-bosqich talabasi

Student of Tashkent State University of Law


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How to Cite

Umarova, X. (2023). XALQARO OMMAVIY HUQUQDA SUDLAR TOMONIDAN INVESTORLAR VA DAVLATLAR O‘RTASIDA QO‘LLANILADIGAN ISBOTLASH TAMOYILLARI: ISBOTLASH YUKI VA STANDARTLARI. International Conference on Legal Sciences, 1(3), 30–46. Retrieved from https://science-zone.org/index.php/conference/article/view/37